Wednesday, November 19, 2008

mash ups part one

Here is my dog Fern (when she was a puppy) after she went through the big labs Warholiser.
Mashups look like a lot of fun.


I had some trouble with the online education site- I had to subscribe to itunes software- and it took forever so I had to cancel out of that.
The British Library podcasts were easier on the ear than the ABC ones I heard snippets of. But they were all presented differently.
I did like the Commoncraft video expalining podcasting and I think on he whole it's a good idea, but as for availability of things I would like to listen to , there isn't much out there. (for me). Or it didn't download.
It is something I woul look at doing in the future- maybe i'll get an ipod, it would be handy for listening to books, IF I could get what I wanted to listen to on audio....

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

social searching and such

Not sure how I feel about this really. I would try to find answers myself through different means, using a book or the internet, not a site designed for this, as it seems hit or miss as to when and whether you would get an answer.

I posted a question on yahoo answers about microsoft outlook - the email program.

As for "slamming the boards" I find this phrase a bit much, but then I am an old fuddy duddy in many ways, and wonder why we can't just call it asking a question online. Not much of a one for jargon or even slang in many cases, I like good, plain, serviceable language for everyday use. Sorry!
Up top there is a picture of Charlie, my daughter's cat, pouting and looking disapproving like me, only he has much more charm than I.

Monday, November 17, 2008


I think I can see the point of this but it took me a little while. I made the delicious account and that was ok. I wonder if I can get the link to work ? Here goes....

Saturday, November 15, 2008

library thing

OMG as they say in the classics- have just discovered library thing and can see I will waste many internet hours in here. Fascinating to see how many others own the same books as I do- i've been accused of liking "obscure" or "scholarly" reads. sigh.And what they say about their books and how they perceive characters.
I'm getting around to the other exercises in this bit but finding it a little more baffling than usual.
I am but mad north-north-west. When the wind is southerly, I know a hawk from a handsaw.