Tuesday, November 18, 2008

social searching and such

Not sure how I feel about this really. I would try to find answers myself through different means, using a book or the internet, not a site designed for this, as it seems hit or miss as to when and whether you would get an answer.

I posted a question on yahoo answers about microsoft outlook - the email program.

As for "slamming the boards" I find this phrase a bit much, but then I am an old fuddy duddy in many ways, and wonder why we can't just call it asking a question online. Not much of a one for jargon or even slang in many cases, I like good, plain, serviceable language for everyday use. Sorry!
Up top there is a picture of Charlie, my daughter's cat, pouting and looking disapproving like me, only he has much more charm than I.

1 comment:

pls@slnsw said...

Slamming the boards is a strange phrase - but I think it is about branding and that was the term which emerged first. You can still describe answering questions online as answering questions online!

Ellen (PLS)